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Find Out Ways to Help in Our Mission


Please pray for LoCP


Donate Specifically to one of our projects

You can help by donating towards the purchase of a building for our community center, the monthly operating expenses, the expansion of the work in opening additional centers, or towards building homes in Comas and Carabayllo!


Give the first Tuesday of the Month

This is a new program where you can contribute to a different cause every week.  A small donation amount can go a long way when you participate in this program

Make a Huge Difference for a Small Amount

Support us Through Amazon Smile

Did you know you can support us without spending a dime?

Sign up with our organization through Amazon Smile and a portion of your purchase will go towards out case.

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Plan A Trip

The Lost Children of Peru welcomes aid, support, and visits from groups like yours!  You will have the opportunity to see and participate in the ministry of our community center in Comas and Carabayllo, poor districts outside of Lima

Learn more