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Our Team

Missionary & Director Larry Goode

“Sweetly broken”…. My life took me from the business world to the slums and orphanages of Peru after being called into life while here on a mission trip / vacation. I honestly never looked back. The Lord took my life where he placed three young boys from an orphanage to raise. I have been here almost 15 years helping as many orphans and kids in poverty as the Lord has given us. The number has been in the thousands. My life has been well, “sweetly broken”. Read more of our story here.

Team Coaches


My name is Luis. I was born in Sayan. At the age of 7 I went to live in an orphanage, because my mother didn’t have the money to provide for me or my brothers. I lived there for a few years. My childhood in the orphanage wasn’t really good because my family was away from me and I was alone. When I was still very young the orphanage had no money to take care of us and we were going to be put out on the streets. Little did I know that God had a big plan for my life (…)


Hello, my name is Kevin. I have been working with the Lost Children since my dad started it when I was a small boy. He adopted me from an orphanage in the town of Huacho (3 hours away from Lima) I had a very difficult childhood. I was placed in an orphanage when I was very young. My dad and I first met when I was 9 years old. He wasn´t able to get me out of the orphanage until I was 12. For the first time in my life, he was able to show me what a father´s love was (…).

Team Leaders


Hello, my name is Erick, and I’m 20 years old. I reside near Casa De Luz. My journey with the Lord began four years ago, and it was a life-changing experience. Prior to that, my family faced constant strife, and the absence of my father deeply affected me. I found myself making poor choices without guidance. However, the best gift I ever received was when Pastor Larry introduced me to his close friend, Jesus. Today, my life is filled with purpose as I lead the worship ministry at Casa De Luz. My deepest desire is to follow God’s will.


Hi, my name is Fernando. I used to have my own plans and pursued them independently. However, my life was marred by internal turmoil and an inability to forgive due to childhood abandonment issues. Forgiving my mother, who left me, seemed insurmountable. Growing up, I had no contact with my distant family, and I never met my father. Today, I operate the sound systems at Casa de Luz, a role I truly enjoy. More importantly, I am grateful to the Lord for His transformative presence in my life.


Greetings, I’m Joseline, and I’m 27 years old. My life was once chaotic, marked by continuous turmoil at home. Seeking solace outside, I formed unhealthy relationships and friendships that initially seemed appealing but ultimately led to disappointment. Over time, doubts about my identity and abilities crept in. God intervened in my life, teaching me about forgiveness and humility. Working at Casa De Luz, I’ve experienced His love and support firsthand. I oversee the children’s ministry, and I am immensely grateful for this opportunity to make a positive impact on young lives.


I’m Gregoria, a single mother who raised three young boys. Life has been challenging as I’ve had to fulfill the roles of both mother and father. My husband, the boys’ father, abandoned us many years ago. I worked tirelessly, often starting my day at 5 am and ending at 5 pm, ensuring my sons had the necessities. I take pride in being a dedicated mother. My sons introduced us to Casa de Luz, where I volunteered whenever possible. Larry offered me a job running the kitchen and assisting with cleaning. It’s an honor to be part of this remarkable team.


Greetings, I’m Franklin, a 19-year-old living quite a distance from Casa De Luz. My encounter with Casa De Luz introduced me to the true God. My early life was tumultuous, filled with family conflicts and deep-seated resentment towards my parents for the hardships they brought upon me. I made numerous mistakes. My father had abandoned us when I was young, remaining absent for many years. A friend invited me to Casa de Luz, a place unlike any other, where God was worshipped with love and unity. Larry showed me that God has a perfect plan for my life and for anyone who seeks Him. Most importantly, he introduced me to His best friend, Jesus, who offers boundless love. Today, I head the barbershop at Casa de Luz, where I cut hair and teach others this skill. I am immensely grateful for the precious gift I’ve discovered, and Casa de Luz is a wonderful place to work.


I live close to Casa de Luz. Before I met God I only thought about myself and my schoolwork. I didn’t care about God because I thought it was something that people just made up, even though I had really known God since I was little. Even through of all this He never left my side. Down deep I knew He was still there. Everything changed when I went to Casa de Luz because God showed me that my life had a purpose. I met Larry, and of course his sons and teams that came to Peru.

Media + Video


​My name is Dennys Luque. I came from a little town called Arequipa (you should google it, it’s beautiful). I’ve never imagined that I would be recording videos. I always wanted to be an engineer, but luckily I’m not because I love what I do. Now I’m studying advertisement. In the past years I’ve work as a community manager and content creator for Melia International Hotels and as a volunteer at my church Camino de Vida. I work in the creative department where I am in charge of Image and Marketing.